Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Independent Reading Project Blog Assessment

John - 4.5/5 Responses 

John, don't feel like you have to answer every question for your responses.  Some questions have multiple parts to jog your memory.  Feel free to focus on only one thing.  There are some inaccuracies in your responses and some statements that need more information, like your statements about Vietnam. 

Shana 3.5/5 Responses (one in draft)
I really like that third response.  You delve deeply into the character's world and connect it with what you see today.  More of that.  Make sure you keep up with your work even if you are absent.

Elyse - 5/5 Responses
They are coming out with a "And Then There Were None" for the Nintendo Wii.  I'm thinking about buying it.  The island sounds like a great setting for this type of story.  Sort of sounds like "The Most Dangerous Game," a short story written by Richard Connell.  Very nice responses.  Way to set the bar high.

Delicia - 4/5 Responses
I like your response, but is there anything thematic going on that will make this a good book to read in 20 years?  Let's make sure to complete all of our assignments.  

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