Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The reason why we choose to read a mystery genre

The reason we choose to read a mystery genre is because we all agreed that mystery is more interesting. It starts off with a good intro which makes u want to read more. It can be scary and sometimes dramatic. As we looked and found out information on mystery genres we realized that over 60 million mystery books were sold and that let us know that we picked a good genre to read. We didn't want to be bored while doing this assignment so we had to pick something that we would take time out to read and write about. We also picked this genre so that when we are done and its time to grab the readers attention about the book we read we want to be able to give a exciting speech or essay to make other people want to read mystery and it can remain the second best selling genre.

1 comment:

delicia08 said...

I like your ytitle it makes me want to get right to the blog and start reading because in your mind your thinking hummmm what makes this genre a mystery I have to steal that great idea.