Friday, December 21, 2007

Makes Me Wanna Holla post3

The story is rageing in conflict. It started with racial profiling and class difference.Then later on lead to competion with everyone.Thats when violence, critisim, peer pressure, armed robbery and prison fell into place. Everybody wanted to be somebody. They wanted to prove that they had heart. They had to earn their reps. Violence thats when it came into play. See the people in Calvalier Manor uptown, downtown, midtown, and the other gang spots had beef with each other. So to prove they had nothing to lose all these gangs would have hood shootouts like they didnt have a care in the world.
Critisim played a major role in conflict too. If u werent fly if u didnt rock that last gear you would be critized kind of similar to whats going on today.Youngsters would kill to have the new fashion accessories. Even today no one wants to be critized. In this story they call that JONIN. It would cause lots of tension between 1 or more people.These characters really had some serious issuses.
Peer Pressure also took a turn in these characters fast life. Anything 1 saw there peers doing that was there Q to do it to. They saw the older hood guys selling drugs carrying guns they wanted to hang so the other guys pressured them in order for them to hang. So right now in this story things are raging out of control.

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