Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Each Negative Feeling Brings With It An Opportunity of Growth

My search has made it to the end of the road successfully. In order to make it to the end I had to know where this road begin. And I did. I was bound to figure out where my negative emotions/feelings comes from and how do I deal with them. With the studies I did on myself and my research from the computer this tale should educate you and help you in to succeeding as well as I did successfully when it comes to dealing with negative emotions. This is what I've learned.

It starts when your internal guidance system alerts you when your human needs are not being met.That's when you begin to feel misunderstood.When dealing with difficult feelings I learned you must listen without defending yourself,don't be dramatic, don't wait till things build up,don't blame or lye in guilt traps,talk about how you feel, ask how the other person feels and offer a way to save face("I misunderstood you").Be specific rather than general.Specify the degree of the feeling it will reduce being misunderstood.If you are having mixed feelings express each one individually rather than whole this will also decrease you from being misunderstood.

Express your feelings productively.Respectfully confront someone when you are bothered by his or hers behaviors.Prevent feelings from festering into a bigger problem.You should try to avoid the common mistakes like: not expressing feelings at all,expressing belief or judgment,only expressing negative feelings and the nonverbal body language contradicting the words for example smiling when irritated.You have to have alot of emotional intelligence or it will cause you to become emotionally ignorant.

Each negative feeling brings with it an opportunity of growth.Which equal success. Negative emotions have a positive value.Negative feelings helps us through a course of health and happiness.It lets us know when we are veering away from our goals, our beliefs,our values,our standards,our confront zones,our physical health and our happiness.Lets use fear an example.Having the fear of losing control helps us takes steps necessary to regain a sense of control our lives.The fear of failure helps us to accomplish goals and motivate to prepare. The fear of being alone helps us reach compromises with others.The fear of dependence helps us develop our own resources and become self-reliant.

With this new found information I think I can now take bigger steps in becoming better at managing my negative emotions. I will no longer wait till things build up. I will not allow jerks to get under my skin.I can now say I'm emotionally intelligent and will not allow anyone to take my happiness for me. And this where my new opportunity for growth begins.......

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